HELLO 2024

Hello 2024! I know it's been a while that I have yet to post anything. It was supposed to be a weekly post but I ended up on-hiatus with a 'huge plate' on my desk. There's no update between September 2023 to November 2023...Oops...πŸ‘€ Lately, I am getting busy as ever and soon it will be more and more busy. Come one who isn't busy right? Every time, my plate is full of 'main-course' from the menu. The restaurant is completely busy and fully book! Some are understaffed and some look for other opportunities. (Fyi, I don't work in a restaurant, these words are implication of my current work-life balance.) InsyaAllah I will be in different restaurant too.  

I wish I can do more things that can paint the canvas with more beautiful and unique colours and perhaps add more glitters on it. Last year, 2023 was incredibly a blessing and I am so grateful of what I am today. Life gives me roller coaster, but I managed to row my boat and walk my way out from couples of storms. Alhamdulillah for everything. πŸ’žπŸ’– I am so proud of myself with my goals in 2023 and my current goal is to be minimalist, practice lean/fit and lastly living in a quiet-cozy-comfort life. That's all I ever wanted and all I care is about myself more. I want to make sure I can have my "me-time" moments after dealing with the chefs and the menus. 

One more thing, I don't want to take things for granted, after what happened to our brothers and sister's country. I want to see what I can do to help my muslim brothers and sisters and giving my 100% support to them. (UNLIKE THE ILLEGAL/FAKE COUNTRY THAT YET TO EXIST UNTIL NOW.) Whatever the methods were, My pray is all to the river by the sea, their country will be FREE! 

My heart has been burned after I read the news around the world. 

At the same time, in June 2023 up until now, I have officially lost my baby boy cat, Oyen for a while now and I solemnly swear that whatever his fate were, I will always love you, boy. I would like to apologise for bringing you to the vet at the late timing and you left us immediately 2 weeks after you had your medication. My male stray cat did not return home ever since. I don't know where you are but you're part of my pillars of strength during my hard times. I accepted the fate.

If you ever read this, please take good care of your pet. Don't give up on them as they need you as much as you do. 😒😭

How should I summarise my 2023 moments ya? Emm. 😢All I can say, Alhamdulillah and grateful for everything. I'll promise to blog every Saturday/Sunday onwards. Starting this first week of 2024.

Sekian, Terima Kasih.
