Oops. it's Friday today and I realise is we are close to CNY within 6 days. The OX Year and also the year we #StayAtHome together. YA ALLAH cepatnya masa berlalu. On Wednesday 13.02.2021, I was informed that the company will treat all employees for lunch. Nasi Lemak for the muslims and Chicken Rice for the non-muslims. #Alhamdulilah I am full with a heavy lunch.

While busy on desk, I bought myself a juice drink from Boost via Grab App. I stopped caffein drinks and have been swallowed warm drinks like Japanese Green Tea, Plain lemon water (like mat salleh style) and beverage that are hot brewed. But today, I decided to drink ice with freshly-squeezed fruit juice to avoid sleepy eyes while on the screen. Is not like I eat too full, but the carbs I consuming. Even Milo makes me sleepy after I drink it. ARGH...😓

But today, I want to keep this post a summary which all of us had bring along to our tough journey. Ever since PKP started and the whole world is under state of emergency due to Covid-19, it has cost the loss of thousands of life, social disruption and economy devastated. Like it's gonna take forever to win back the things we once had. cross fingers. 😰

Throughout the on-going pandemic, I have encountered millions of people at risk of losing their livelihood. So many unexpected things happen when we actually don't want it to happen but because at this hour we facing a life-death condition. The most important thing right now is to stay healthy and avoid huge crowds, follow SOP and practice social-distancing. I don't even have the mood to shop baju and all. What I am concerned now is health and necessities. Without the meaning to earn income during lockdowns, many of us are unable to feed our family or even for ourself. The pandemic has been affecting the entire food system; border closure, strict SOP, confinement measures preventing food provider (farmers) to enter the market selling their products and buying the inputs. High demand on the products and services but restriction practices causing everything to pause the economy process, leading less income or no business at all. 😓 #sigh

On the other hand, the student side like all of you. Emmm. I read that some going online classes and some examination are postponed. In other country, they practice every lessons, tutorials, lectures via online. Honestly speaking, this online class/ work from home is fun and relaxing. BUT, IT DOESN'T APPLY TO ALL STUDENTS OR EVEN ANY OF US WORKERS. For me, I prefer to go on my desk and walking around the work station so I can access the copy machine the computer, the files, the notes for my work. Everything is there and you just need to be careful and practice social distancing. (Of course, you should follow the SOP to avoid close contact at home and not going out unless necessary!)  However, we still take the risk even we know how dangerous outdoor is right now. We may not know who, when or if one of us is infected. 😨😯😷

Mental health is another topic to talk about during this time but learning to cope with depression in a healthy way will make you and the people who cared about you more quick to bounce back from recovery. We all need someone to empathise on what we are going through and what we have been facing through when your friends or acquaintance do not know the behind story of you. Spill the beans if can, do not keep in under the hat. (Not everything but choose wisely which part of the situation to speak out. You'll never know who will backstab you secretly as well. Unless the people that they care and you care are trustworthy.) Check up you friends daily or weekly, had a video call or chat, be a good listener and try to console the people you care, give advice and encouragement.  

Also, to anyone who still can afford to put food on the table. If can la..hor. Or is up to your limitation. Why not try to help/donate necessities for some families who need it more and they could sleep happily with enough of food. Recognise your privilege before you donate. Nobody force, but is an act of kindness and goodwill. Help the unfortunate, now is the time. 😁😊 

Anyway, I'm tired to talk about all this as we all know that all of us are facing this. So yeah. 😔

Until Then...
