Location: Home

Restaurant: Mom’s Kitchen

Others: Crib

Food: Chicken Chop, Steamboat, Porridge. 

Is just another birthday week and I received lots of love and wonderful wishes from beautiful human beings. Thanks to all of you and you all are always in my prayers. Thanks for the mini surprises from all of you as well! I am blessed to have all of you in my life. 

This year in an unfortunate year for all of us due to COVID-19 and every day we are fighting to get rid of this silent killer/ stubborn virus.

Birthday wishes?

Sorry, a secret I will never tell.

Besides that, if Aladdin was given only 3 wishes to wish for, why not I wish it every day? Never stop wishing is my own way to reach my dream. Hopefully more positivity are spreading to the whole wide world. Less drama, more Happiness. Boleh kan? ^^

Once again, I always keep myself away from the things that will never happen again. Life is climb when we struggle to reach the high end of the mountain. The problem is not how high the mountain is but how fast we climb up – the journey it is.

 “As long as take each days as it come, slowly but surely, every bumpy ride is worth the journey.” - Forever my quote motto.

I wont't be silence, you can't keep me quiet, cause I won't go speechless.

Thank you so much 


