Location: Cheras and Shah Alam.

Restaurant: Restaurant Hartinie and I-City Central Plaza

Others: Padini


Unaware that today is already the 63rd Independence Day of Malaysia Year 2020. How fast that time flies and here I am still here (Feeling like a potato currently because of body fats. Whatever.) Jangan gelak lah…


Currently, I have been wondering around a lot and here goes all what’s actually happening this week. (Of course, face mask, MySejaterah App and Hand Sanitizer are priorities.)


Grandma’s birthday (mini celebration due to the strict SOP to followed during RMCO). It was unexpected and very-very last minute plan and we all came and reach there around 2pm. Normally, it was supposed to be a huge celebration in a restaurant/eateries, but this time we do small gathering instead. For safety purposes since we have children, we all went back one by one to avoid huge crowds. The cake in the photo looks antique (in a good way), but don't ask me if it's nice or not. ;P


Mel craved for Sushi and only wanted to go to the nearest restaurant and so we decided to go I-City Central Plaza that night. She took the wheel and I put on my favourite bucket hat with one of my favourite lyrics T-Shirt from F.O.S. (Kenapa ayat ni macam random like in a novel ya?)


We had our sushi-ness momentary, deep talks about love, friendships, careers, life goals and continue bonding with our sisterhood strings. (I am honestly glad to have a sister like her and I think I will never stop loving my baby sister who right now growing up like so fast. Omg I feel like an aunty already. Sobs.).


As long as take each days as it comes, slowly but surely, every bumpy ride is worth the journey.


This is a simple idiom but very powerful meaning behind each word.



Stay tune…
