Not So Retirement GIft Day

The little/big things we buy, wrapped and write wishes on a tiny cute card with cartoons, meaningful words with new times roman or calibri font on it.

We called it gifts and present.

Gifts – refers to an act “to give” derives from the German root. The act of giving or the thing being given.

Present – “to present” comes from French, it referred as the thing presented or bestowed.

Geez. Even these both terms has their own connotations. LOL

However, both words are used for the idea of something is making a transfer of possession unexpectedly of payment starting from the 13th century onward. (Okay…terlalu historic..)

Gifts can be tangibles. (Can be anything la basically…)
There is the gift of understanding or the gift of a quiet day.

My kind of gift is; where a person has giving all the hand in the frequent time on a rough period. It’s pretty rare to have this thought but once in a while we should give gift to someone as the act of supportive towards a hassle scenario. More like a way to say thank you for everything.

On the other hand, present is more like something special. A birthday present; is like a surprise gift by someone special. Someone who are mean to them. Mom/Dad, Wife/Husband, Bestfriend/Colleague, Newborns and etc. Pretty sounds mainstream isn’t it? The current trend of all year along - "The Bride to Be" & "Bachelor Party".
But ironically we use both gift and present interchangeably. Both are the same, guys/girls.

Today’s journey on what I’ve been doing.... is about hunting for a retirement gift. 

The person who is retiring was a woman in her 40-50s? I guess.  Oh wait. Don’t worry, is not my mom but my sister’s colleague.

We both off to 1 Utama Mall to look for a sling bag that suitable for the “auntie-auntie” style.
But something like Kipling’s material. The monkey keychain which playfully hangs from many of their products you know.



The bags are made of crinkled nylon fabric. Their handbags (basically sling bag style I guess) are light-weight and long lasting. Which is a good product. I might consider this for mom’s birthday present this year. (Still thinking…)  

Related image

Anyways, I was expected to at least get one of the bag that is suitable for Mel’s colleague …BUT

We returned with empty-handed. (Kidding lah.)

The actual story is….We sort of walking the whole shoes/bags section just to find the nylon fabric bag design. It was soooo hard to find bag like this. I didn’t know that I have spent almost 4 hours in a mall looking for the nylon fabric bag and end up empty-handed. My legs are swollen from the 1.5 inch polo (which I might selling off…hodohnya kasut tu.). We have a temporary snack at Trutti Fruitti (Surprisingly, still open in 1 Utama…The last time I witnessed the Kampar Branch's was closed down about 5 years ago and soon, it was operated by a Chinese economy rice restaurant.)

After pushing off the bag hunting, Mel wanted to hunt for balloons, big transparent balloons with helium gas floating in the air, a couple of medium balloons and the word “Happy Retirement Ms XXX”. We even have to look for a crown that matched the balloons. Ohh yeah. We went to Central Plaza I-City afterwards and then started to choose the colours, types, patterns of the balloons. It was so stressed because we have to decide the best colour tone for the retirement party. Did I mention party? Coz I love cakes (less sugar punya la…). (I’m not invited…)

We even got a sash that says “Happy Birthday”. (She retired on her birthday.) and that’s was a wrap for us both! (Party not even started….lol)

What I love about presents is that it really gives us something to remember a person important day of their entire life; something to remember the scenario of the good moments in happy/hassle times; family, friends and love. It was a good thing where the act of giving is something unusual but special and meaningful. It can boost our relationship and good strength of the entire communities.
