All I want is Happier 2019

February 2019, how is that February already? Time pass by just in a blink of an eye…And here I am drinking my ice blended mocha from MCCafe. (I love it so much, hence is just nearby my place). Currently reading Confession of a Shopaholic – Sophie Kinsella; hilarious reaction by Rebecca Bloomwood. Love her name though, it matches well with her fictional personalities. HAHAHA!

My mom always remind me to be grateful of having what I have. Not every person have what we have. Masing-masing lain rizq (rezeki) orang dapat. It depends on what way of ‘sustenance’ we get from God AL-Mighty. (Although I am not pious as others).

Mom have a question for me, “What do you want on your birthday?” – I paused and remain silent. While my mind was circling around (unlike dizziness) brainstorming a question:
Apa saya mau?” HAHAHA familiar with this sentence? Lmao.

I guess…I just want to be happy”. – I hesitated but still thinking what I want. Deep down, I want to sleep…Kidding!.... I something valuable. Something precious and hard to find hence that will last forever. (depends on the situation / storyline.) – Not another story book, but to seek balance.

It was really hard to answer that question. I use to have that silly list of cravings / goals to achieved but it didn’t work exactly. How funny is that when I set things up and it won’t happen because in life there is always a destruction. Example, I save extras aiming for renewal services settlement but, girl. You need extra extra’s for good, because who knows what will happen to our vehicle man. Exactly a month ago, I spend a lot to change the tires. And last week, I found out one of the tire flatted. Disappointed with this, I went to find the nearest workshop to settle it all. It took 5 minutes for the service man to cover up the holes from 2 paper- pins stuck on the same tire. YES, 2 fucking  paper-pins on my tire and I changed my tire like 1 month ago. (Yes, I’m not fucking kidding) Let just pray that little things (consider little) like this don’t happen again.  But how are we going to avoid such unforeseen events in a day? It can be today, tomorrow or the future. It can be right now, an hour later or before midnight. Anything can happen man! So, an early preparation is a must especially a few amounts of cash.  Please remind that, last minute preparation is a must! Better late than never.

Food is another thing for the extra’s; food is consumption of every human being. Food is not just about delicious but is about we need it to fill in our tummy when our tummy grumbles.  Food is a way of connection to the people.

Mama said, “Jangan kedekut bila nak belanja makan.” - I smiled and nodded every single time. It was true, that we shall not be greedy, stingy to spend on food.  This piece of advice reminds me a story happened while I was in my college years. If you want to invite people, you shall not mention that how many you can feed. This is rude; as a human being. (Setiap manusia ada kesilapan masing-masing. Nobody is perfect.) If you are to invite, you shall welcome people.
To “belanja” people, we shall openly said that they can order anything. (Is not like order so much can finish the meal right?) In fact, we shall just go with the flow when we spend on food. To make the right choice is to have a menu discussion before ordering. And that is a simple thing in extra’s.  In food, I believe gathering in a group with family/friends/close ones are the best connection ever in our lives. As long as the food is good, décor/lighting is good, extra essentials (toilet) is good, then you feel content with what you give. You feel relief and happy.

Real generosity is not depend on how much we earn, but it is on the capacity of the heart. Some people who have the means to give, but not the ‘heart’ to give.  Same goes to a gift/surprises.
It might be a little extravagant, but the point is we give from our heart not like being force to give. A simple birthday gift becomes special when you give to the person deeply from the bottom of  your heart. From that, InsyaAllah we’ll get more sustenance from what we had given to others. (By efforts as well) Keep in mind, never money-guilt on every cent we spend.

In helping others we enhance ourselves, for when you light another’s path, you can’t help but cast light on your own path.

Lastly, we shall say “Thank You” to God AL-Mighty to show appreciation within your heart.

