Conflicts - The reason behind Miscommunication

Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organization.

As what we thought, good communication is an important skill in any environment with human interactions. However, when it comes to communication in workplace, good communication is an integral element to business success.

When there’s conflict in workplace, you must gather everyone up and put on a meeting to justify the problem. The real problem is, out of 5 person, only 2 person “identify and operates”.
Where did the other 3 go? They have no idea. Just walking around and do their own business.

Who likes being disconnected to the group if you were involve with an event/project or duties. Doesn’t it felt like you were betrayed by them who only make you look like an underdog among the groups. That’s kind of suck. Only those who have a piece of deceitful and insidious attitude that only restrict you from being part of the team.

It feels like shxx. I know how it feels. Selfish human being exist until today. Of course, the differences is in what way you think it was.

Conflict typically comes down to,

The most popular phrase of all time:

“Misunderstanding” – This happens all the time. Even if one of the members feels like they are communicating well, if the person whom they connected to has a different communication pattern, then there is a “misunderstanding”.

To improve Communication: It is important to identify the “communication pattern”. When A said about Apple to B and B thought A is referring to Green Apple. As B about to do something with Apple, B is not confident and go and re-confirmed with A again. In the end, A will replied with: “ I am referring about Red Apple not Green Apple you know? “. B sigh with confused and answered:” I just want to reconfirm before I do something wrong. Is that even wrong to ask once again”. Please lead your team-mates in a proper way. You either a boss/superior must guide. That is how your team can improve. Having a small discussion is one of the way to make small communication adjustment. That is how we can gain new information in a way that is easy and clear to define. In this way, it helps the listener to better communicate their understanding.

“Not Understanding How Others Communicate”
When you definitely do not know what the hell they are trying to explain or say or what even is exactly they mean, please remind yourself that when “miscommunication” occurs, it is important to identify the communication patterns. Everybody has their own way of communication while working as a team. Some may assume their listener that they should understand what their superior want without discussion but only by giving orders while on duty.
Let’s do not forget the part when the superior is always right (even some are not), we as juniors shall study and identify the superior way of communication pattern. When we know the right way, we will able to develop their understanding. The best is to observe their communication pattern and do seek advice and discussion to better the communication. Do not rely on orders given. We still need to squeeze our brain to storming. Maybe that is what brainstorming was really mean.
(At times, I feel like puking out the so-called misunderstood information given by certain human beings in this planet earth. Sick of it. Shred on it.)

“When your colleague feels their emotional needs does not being met or are being disregarded”

When miscommunication occurred, the team-mates mainly will feels disrespected, taken advantage of or disregarded. This is because they are unable to fulfil their boss's request. They feel like it was actually a misunderstanding but, when one of your superior/team-mate despise you with harsh words, you & the rest of team-mates will lead to tension or conflict. The first and foremost ignorance attitude will happen, slowly lead to high level of intense in a group. What can the team do is to have each person reprimanded privately for expressing and understanding needs, what they not satisfy and which area need to be improve. This helps to increase team engagement and performance.
