Everyday missing this fat feline because she would give me her annoying face with cuddles!

“Do not let her go out WITHOUT HER NECK-COLLAR ON !” – I told dad, while he’s busy paying attention on his Badminton games. Or else, his laptop game after intense of irritation.

Every Sunday or any day (If Momo smell like rubbish from the streets – sometimes smell like her own pee), I will give Momo a short-warm bath to comfort her before her nap.

She always nap in the noon, sometimes in the morning after her morning bird hunt at 5am. Crazy huh? Who on earth can wake up that early just to feed and release a pet cat?

Me (and fam). – Occasionally weekdays.

Momo (real name is Momochan btw), is not a typical cat, but a former stray, now an ambivert feline that spend her days; playing outside, catching birds, fight with other strays, eat fibre cat food, drink water and only poop at her owner’s crib.

Yup, how polite and good manners this little fat feline is?

But, she pees and poops everywhere in our crib. (She’s an abnormal cat due to her backbone cracked accident.)  No problem, we can handle it. We used abandon clothes to
clean her feces, making her a bed (just like us humans ok. Not kidding.) and wash her when she’s full with dirt.

Sometimes, we can get a little intense of heat, but we managed to blow it away.
Because Momo never stop to give us surprises. She has talent.She can play with us, she response to us, she is pampered with love and grateful of us,She knows where to find the anchovies, she knows all our rooms, she come to find us when she is hungry, bored and need someone to pat her before sleep. She climbs trees in the neighbourhood, she catches birds, lizards, cockroaches, any bugs that can fly, ohh and dragon fly.

So many things she do in a day. HAHAHA including asked for anchovies.

Dang. The reason I posted this is because I came across of Marley and Me (2008 film) in youtube while I browsing for Korean Mukbang. I have watched that movie several times, and that several times end up of me sobbing like hell.

A month ago, after leaving from grinds, I head home as usual to avoided traffic jam. I witnessed a baby kitten died on the road with its eye-ball ooze with blood. It was gross but I felt depress suddenly and thought of Momo. The cat was covered with blood; black and white fur and it looks perfect to raise it up, but it was too late. Her body is left behind on the road and I did try to stop and remove its dead body to the other place but traffic was too drastic, thus bad timing.I was sad that I failed to perform as a ‘human’, but I do pray for the cat resting in peace.

And then I realize that one day when Momo is old, I don’t know who to look for to pour my hearts out the temper trapping within me. It was not what us brought back (but stress flowing when things are not what it seems to be) that sour face but Momo impressed me with a lot of fun tricks. Every day she will showered me with her ‘puppy face’; her “I-miss-You or Let’s Play” face and also her sleepy face. – laziness indeed.

Raising a pet is like raising your own fam members, as they play important roles in a family. Pets are not human but, display a lot of human qualities; strong personalities, preferences and emotions. Hence, they are not a substitute, but  are an excellent recommendation for happiness, love, friendship and fun.

After a short “Marley and Me, Final Scene trailer” via youtube, I opened another browser, look for the movie and watched online. I finished the movie in 2 hours and it felt like the same time I’ve watched 10 years ago, sobbed and mourned for Marley in the movie. And it did still feel like a new movie to me, the graphics doesn’t fail to impress me that this was based on a true real-life story of a laborer dog and its owner living through their lives. Marley and Me had taught me how to appreciate your pet’s presence within our days. They can be a little hard on the pet-sitting but, they are a bundle of joy to our happiness.

The most touching scene is when John and Jenna choose their puppy; when Jenny is sadden with her 'not-pregnant-yet-after-10-weeks-moment', when Marley likes his owner named him "Marley", When Marley throwing his bad habits of biting edibles and the saddest scene of all time; Good Bye, Marley and he dozed off peacefully.

I love to watch story that inspired by reality because who goes to school have perfect lockers? perfect style, perfect hair and makeup? These are all just movies. But movies based on true story is an awestruck!
Pets work wonders for our body, soul and mind; they stimulated our sense of well-being.They give us love, laughter ,after all they give happiness to us humans. A medical research proved that, rear a pet increases a human’s longevity and reduces heart attacks. This shows their presence has been known to reduce blood pressure, which is good for health.  -#pets
If you have a pet since a kid or as an adult, please do take care with full of love, they are the source of enormous comfort in times of disappointment or grief. If God’s Will, Long Live to all animals out there with full of love.

