Alliance of Hope's Victory

The 90's kids have made Malaysia a history. #GE14 #9thmay2018

GE14 (General Election 14 / PRU14 ; Pilihan Raya Umum 14th) ; in 2018 well known as "Mother of all Elections", since Wawasan 2020 is coming soon. As a Malaysian, I am proud to said that this was my first-time performed my duty as a citizen to vote for the best, for the people and the country. Hence, I was more aware of what was actually happening to my own country and this gave me realise that it is time our country to have a reformation a revolution, a reborn and our responsibilities to ensure our countries's progress continues in perpetuity.

It was a good start to learn and venture the whole process of campaign days, to reach the ideologies of manifestos, polling days and finally waiting for the final result to see which parliament wins the hearts of rakyat. During the campaign, every Malaysians will attend talks organised by the political campaigns to digest and understand the key issues and the promises were made by the political parties. 

As I know in this 21st century, the people who resides in both urban and rural areas are technology savvy, and this enables the youth to access the latest updates and information easily. According to research studies shows that social media will have the greatest influence to the youth; 'The Millennial's' for GE14 compared to GE13 in 2013.  

As a citizen in Malaysia, we are living with over hundreds of ethnic groups comprises of Malays, Chinese and Indians in such a culturally diverse country. Although discussions related on religion beliefs, race and politics may create an uproar , we still are living in harmony for years together. It is important for us Malaysian to remain rational as we mature politically; able to agree and disagree on certain circumstances.

However, it is now up to the rakyat to decide which sort of government they want. For me, as a Malaysian citizen, I would prefer a leader with long-term goals focuses to make the country a better nation that sets good examples to the Asian Countries; to help the rakyat by working on new sensible project plannings that benefits the poor and middle-classes, as well as prosecute the corruption parties, unite all Malaysians together and reconciliation, throwing away biased and stereotype actions. Facts: Who want to live in a nation with tones of corruptions and bankruptcies that suffered the citizens itself? Do you want to make us die with indebtedness until the end? Precisely, NO. If those who run with an idea of selfish in the bottom of their heart, then let me ask you. Do you think you can carry wealth to your grave? NOPE. It was a tangible, a physical form of currency that function as a current asset, an anchor. And that thing works in trading, the act of business to survive the current living cost.

Don't be fool by the political parties, the best is to study the manifesto and digest it, attend campaigns to listen to their long-term goals, raise questions to ask before and after plannings and analyse the solution given by each party. If you choose the right party, please ensure the leader's promises continuously carry on until it hit a great result.

Everyone should vote wisely and always remember the votes are from the rakyats not the party. It is all now relies on you, me, us ; the baby boomers and the millennial's; from the bottom of our hearts.

The goals I achieved during the event:

1. Became the first-time voter in GE14 2018  with other 90's and 80's kids.
2. Brought Grandma to vote on the same day the polling day takes place in several states.
3. The GE14 Nomination Results fell on my dad's big day.
4. 10th May - 11th May 2018 (Thursday and Friday) announced as Public Holiday 
    after PH won the GE14 in 2018.
5. Witnessed the inauguration/sworn ceremony of Dr. M in social media.
6. Proud of being a Malaysian - I grew up with colourful cultures.

Best time ever of 2018. Thank you God AL-Mighty. 

Dr. Mahathir (Chairman of Pakatan Harapan) and his opposition team has emerged as the winning
coalition by defeating Barisan Nasional in GE14 2018.  

Candid indeed.

Let's give him an applause...At least he kills it in Astro Awani.

"What are you doing? You should just resign. If you can't handle the heat, get out of there. You have done the most shameful thing, you have let us all down (and) the people of Malaysia," he said.
"We've all been waiting for you to make these announcements and there are 47 seats to come. And what is going on in Sabah? We've been asking this. How is that Sarawak, this enormous state, the head of the SPR, could have sorted it all out.
"That guy, who is the head of the SPR of Sarawak, should be running the country's SPR.
"This is despicable, absolutely appalling, and what I would like to know is that what are the pressures behind you? Who's whispering in your ears?
"This is the kind of ridiculous rubbish that we have to see the end of today.
"Semuanya setuju ya? Rubbish! This kind of manipulation going behind the scenes.
"Just tell it straight. We are a very mature, sensible people, we'll just move on," he said.
Karim was a panelist in an Astro Awani broadcast. #karimraslan
I just couldn't' resist how funny the way he shot the SPR. #mannersmakethmanstrategy

The final result of GE14 2018.

Before Tun M inauguration in the Palace;
Look at this 2 cutie pies. Our favourite Malaysian couple.

Overall, I loath to be describe myself as a single race as I rather to call myself
as a  proud "Malaysian".

