Cloudy With A Chance of Sunshine

"We should bear our sorrows with greater confidence than our joys. For they are the moments when something new, something unknown, has entered into us. The more patient, quiet and open we are in our sorrowing, the more deeply and the more unhesitatingly will the new thing enter us and the better we shall deserve it." 
—Rainer Maria Rilke

Shall I nor share my recent stories that I have my vibes surrounded with isolation, peacefully alleviate stress of a hard week. Escaping from the terrible stressful event, I just want to be by myself with no disturbance that could clear off my mind. On the other side, I constantly updated, to balance fondness of being devoted as well as being a warrior. It is hard to maintain but it is worth each time the clock strikes. Everything takes time, takes big patience and also slowly but surely.  Fyi, You have made my dopamine levels go all silly. A moment in my arms, forever in my heart. With all my heart, XOXO.
