B.U.T.T.E.R.M.I.L.K. C.H.I.C.K.E.N.

Yesterday, I went to minor grocery shopping to accomplish one of my mission in cooking - Buttermilk Chicken. I've been dying to cook this dish as it was one of my favourite during college time. I am not a cheese fan (since its 'fat') but somehow I find this dish is delicious.
Image result for buttermilk chicken and rice

From the mini market, I bought some boneless chicken, Dutch Lady milk and the rest of the basic ingredients are enough to serve my family. I always get so excited when I am going to do something I've been dying to do. Is like wow, I am doing this to let my mission accomplish. 

Boneless Chicken ( 6 pcs; Recommend to use with chicken with bones.)
Flour ( 3tbls)
Curry Powder (1tbls)
Onion (2 unit)
Garlic ( 4 cloves)
Curry Leaves 
Dutch Lady Milk ( 2 cups)
Cheese ( 1 pcs ; can use Cheesedale brand.)
Green Chili (1 unit)
Butter ( 1 slice of 50 gm.)

The best part is when I cook the white sauce. Which I know is 'fat',but can't we just become 'FAT AND HAPPY' for at least a day? I am thrilled and I just go randomly cook this dish while thinking during lunch break. Working can be stress, but I put this to make myself happy without hesitation. I love what I'm doing for my own good. Besides, cooking is fun and this food is one of the food I will cook for family. I have some recipe research to do and will do it when I can! Hehe! Satisfied! Delicious! Simplicity! 
